Sunday, October 25, 2009


i dont know whats the use of this blog thingy. i really dont. heh. act i dont know how to use this. err anyhow i do need to post smthing. poor my sis ngan elia la briye nk sruh buat mnde ne.

id have this cute little kitten: tamtam. used to la. dye mti time exam hri kedua. ades. and now this adorable black kitten came out. so cute. even kind of like tamtam a bit. its body is whole-black or to be precise with countable several white fur around its ear. seriously,just the same. if theres smone who dnt know about tamtam's closure im sure la they'll think it's still alive. its name is unsure yet: my sis ckp nk nme blackout but the youngest one ckp tamtam the second. i simply call it tamtam. second day tamtam dtg kat rmah, it fell sick. ish. wkpe la asl ade ank kucing dtg je msti sakit. tamtam just sleep in its basket and looked so frazzle. and if its asked to play, it would walk around looking for shady spot then lie down. so fretful. once bitten twice shy kn. my mom frenziedly put some oil on its tummy and tamtam made this bizarre mew.mmg sah la sakit prut.the next day, tadaa!da baek. fuhh.

erk, is this post freaky? really, i dnt know what else to write. neglect me. im not visible anyway

Friday, October 16, 2009

my very 'grand' opening

hye2. frankly speaking i make this blog is vitally caused by my sister. like about many-many-many months befoe she asked me to create one. even as eager as siap bgtau kwn ne sruh buat. i was like sudden impulse-mls nk lyn ckp la nk buat blog lps pmr. so here i am. and like typical 15 year old student : i, here declare that i am totally free from exam. well at least pmr.
jujur nye my life is vapid, as monotonous as encyclopedia. and yes my life is queer so dont mind me. i'm not visible. if my words are ununderstandable, tutup mulut dan pekakkan that the word? nvm. i wont bother myself peering the kmus just to make sure that my language is right. if you just feel that you dont like me, stay back. as i told, i'm not visible :D