Friday, June 14, 2013

asasi, undergraduate prgram in ukm

assalamualaikum wbt. salam dan selawat atas baginda RasulAllah SAW. alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.

i was intrviewed for ukm medical faculty at may 28th. just to make this clear, i didnt manage to get 4flat. its quite far below from that actually. hihi but i have to say, i really wnt to do medic so, i'm going to keep holding my hope high with the little advantage of once coming from ukm itself. hehe. but if i am not qualified for it, then geology does not sound so bad. i can still make the world a better place to stay. wee.

anyway, the whole family went to kl a day bfore. though they said that they were there to give me company, the excitement in their faces kind of deny it. haha. how could an intrview gave them so much joy. lol. its obvious they wnted to venture the mall. haha. anyhow, its good to have them by my side :)

sblum intrview, there was this test called aptitude test. its seems like it is just a test to know whether u really are up into taking medic or not. nothing serious. hoho. as for intrview, there were 2 interviewers. and the way interviews were conducted may vary. some have it 100% english and for some other, bilingual and may also be solely in malay. so luck it is. hehe. one golden tip, if u really want to be a doctor then emphasize that to your heart content. dont show doubts. feel free to tell them your passion which of course u have to really have the interest. they don't want a weakling.

the good thing is to come. the interviewers were really nice once u are actually in it so don't be afraid. yeah some may give u faces but they merely wntd to know how u would react to that. hehe. it's like the frst time i met my mentors. i thought that they would be drop dead serious but they were obviously not. haha. so don't be afraid. and here i am telling this when i myself freaked out the day bfore. lol.

that's that about my interview.

just a brief info about asasi ukm, we have a quite dfferent syllabus compared to other foundation. most of the syllabus are adapted from the AP syllabus but, as my fellow asasi friend once said, it's an AP modified malaysian kind of syllabus so, i guess it's actually dffrent from the original one.

biologi 1
fizik 1
kimia 1
penaakulan mantik
kmahiran penyelidikan
appresiasi bahasa dan kesusasteraan
pembangunan jati diri kebangsaan
biologi 2
fizik 2
kimia 2
kalkulus vektor
projek penyelidikan
analisis kritikal isu semasa
kepimpinan dan membuat keputusan

well, these are the subjects taken there and sbjects like logical reasoning, statistics, calculus, analysis and kepimpinan are actually taken during undergraduate for certain courses. supposedly but, these are the dffrences when cmpared to other asasi. people might say that it looks harder compared to other foundations. even the director of asasipintar itself said that this programme is the toughest asasi in malaysia. and so she said.

i have to say that yes, it is hard but it's not fair to say that other foundations are not. researches are actually done during undergraduates or masters and there we were, doing thesis during our foundation year. my mentors, prof amara and prof rashidah actually said that they pity me because i have to do this research thingy. so, yes i have to say it is hard and enjoyable, if i may say. but, if i am to be going for other asasi, matriks or stpm itself, i might as well find that it is hard too. so easily said, it depends on the person itself to manage yourself. u cant just say that it is hard on u and not others. each people cope with things in their own way.

conclusively, the subjects and the studies are tolerable if u have good peers around and they also are if u are smart in handling them. the thing is, asasipintar is newly established so, it is not well-known (not recognized in other u)  and the worst, the management of it is bad. we are the frst cohort so there are many trials acted upon us so we may as well known as lab rats. there will always be errors in trials so, there will be some cons in a way. eventually, i think all the problems will be solved anyway. hihi. and there might be changes along the way. all in all, asasipintar is always a good choice if u like to dig deeper and do smthing new especially if u are a science maniac. weeeheee.

p/s : i know that i'm too late in posting this infrmation. dyeorg dh buat pilihan. msuk dh pn asasi. haha. not so brief eh? -.-

p/p/s: ukm is known as the only univrsity in mlaysia that use malay lnguage. well, for asasi, it's all in english except fr the jati diri sbject. tp nti msuk dgree same je. melayu jgk. kcuali kalau pngajar tu mat salleh :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

shahadatul haq, ghazwul fikr

assalamualaikum wbt. salam dan selawat atas baginda RasulAllah SAW. alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.

 its been sooooo long. hihi. as stated in previous post, its going to be about the daurah that i went before coming home. couple of months ago i think. hihi. i'm not sure either what took me so long to start writing ths back :)

anyway, have u heard of shahadatul haq and ghazwul fikr? well, those 2 are the main point that i would like to share here. if  u never heard of them, its my pleasure if u could take some time and try to read this. it's going to be in the simplest layman term or precisely, my term. haha. sorry if the information is inadequate but u can always try to google more about it. i am writing solely based on what i have in mind rght now so it might be very simple. anyhow, i hope that u could put some thinking and appropriate efforts regarding this :)


what first comes to your mind when u read this? kalau korang fikirkn ttg 2 kalimah shahadah then well done, it is!

prkataan aku bersaksi itu sndiri. zahirnya kita akn fikir mksud dia ialah mengakui dan percaya ttg mnde tu. it is but, try to put it in another situation where u happen to witness an accident. that makes u a witness, right? saksi. dan sebagai saksi, kita harus bgtau org lain ttg mnde tu. hbis2 pn kne report polis. and this is what SH is all about. kita perlu menyampaikan mnde yg betul tu. kalau x bgtau org, people won't know jd di mana manfaatnya penyaksian anda kpd org lain. mase daurah tu akak usrah ad bagi beberapa ayt utk mnerangkn lg ttg SH ni. 

Dan (ingatlah), ketika Tuhanmu mengeluarkan keturunan anak anak Adam dari sulbi mereka dan Allah mengambil kesaksian terhadap jiwa mereka (seraya berfirman), “Bukankah Aku ini Tuhanmu?, mereka menjawab, BENAR (Engkau Tuhan Kami), Kami menjadi SAKSI… 
(Al A’raf 7: 172)

Dan kami jadikankanmu (wahai umat Muhammad) satu ‘umat pertengahan’ , supaya kamu layak menjadi orang yang memberi keterangan kepada umat manusia (sebagai SAKSI, tentang yang benar dan yang salah) dan Rasulullah (Muhammad) pula akan menjadi orang yang menerangkan kebenaran perbuatanmu.
(Al-Baqarah: 143)

kesimpulannya, adalah menjadi tnggungjwb kita sbgai seorg umat islam utk mnyampaikn agama islam itu sndiri. x smestinya kt org bkn islam je. org islam juga msih rmai yg belum sempurna imannya trmasuk sy. krna itu, adlah pnting utk kita  saling mengingatkan ke arah kebaikan. skrg korang dh tahu ttg mksud sbenar penyaksian kita jd, fikir-fikirkan :)

jujurnya, mnde ni sgt berat buat sy. when i frst heard of it,i was overwhelmed. i still am actually. didnt do much snce i frst and last heard about it. i dnt know how to act upon knowing so i hope this post can be of an help in some way to help us as muslims in understanding more about islam.


ghazwul mksudnye serangan. fikr plk, fikiran. so there it is, serangan pemikiran. sbgaimana wasiat raja louise ke-6 (perancis) :

"tiada jalan utk mengalahkan dan mnuasai org2 islam mlalui jln perang.agama mreka mndorong mreka utk mlawan,  berjihad, mengorbankn jiwa... kita mesti lakukan jln lain iaitu mengubah pemikiran islam dan mnjinakkan org2 islam  melalui serangan pemikiran.  cendikiawan eropah harus mengkaji tamadun islam dan  mncipta senjata utk mrosakkn pmikiran org2 islam"

sbenarnya sejarah GF ni seawal syaitan laknatullah di mana:

Sesungguhnya Allah melarang kalian memakan buah ini  supaya kalian berdua tidak menjadi malaikat dan tidak dapat hidup abadi.
(Al A'raf 7:20)

serangan pmikiran ni byk bidang. even bidang yg x disngka2. pendidikan, sejarah, ekonomi, paling senang, media massa. ad lg bidang lain tp sy lupa. boleh la lps ni silau2 kt mne cari psl mnde ni eh. tp mmg betul kn. dlm kita hidup sng2 ni, mmg prnh trlintas psl mnde ni but never give it a deep thought. fikir sikit2 then biar je. terus hidup lg ikut arus. i was and sadly, i am. tp insyaAllah, dgn skeping ilmu yg ada ni, i'll try to bear these in mind and try to make up the best out of it. aminn.

just to make it clear. GF ni bhya tau. korang x sedar pn kekadang tu. mngkin ad antara kita yg hidup fikir nk brjaya je. cuba fikir balik, apa erti sbnar hidup kita ni. nk brjaya semata2 ke? tula apa  yg musuh2 islam cuba sematkn sbnarnye. nk buat kita mkin jauh dgn agama. wallahualam.

i think this is it. maaf kalau ad silap dlm post ni. kalau prasan tolong tegur. hehe. and if u wnt to know more about these two, try to search for it. boleh jgk kalau nk tnye sy and insyaAllah kalau sy tau, jwblah. tp kalau x tahu, ermm sy cuba cari and tnye sesape. wee. lps dh tahu psl ni, apa tndakan korang? fikir2 kan :)