Friday, January 22, 2010


hye2 . ermm id like to express my feelings about the whole thng that hppened at skool tknik . heh . i suppose evryone share the same one . annoyed . yeah . i know . i mean more than the half of what was said was all about politics . politics o politics . i trmendously hate people who talks about party and stuff like that especially when it cmes to campaigning . hello , we're students . rmember? what mkes thngs worse is that the sjil that should be given tslh bg kat skool laen . big chaos . heh . one of my clasmate jokes la kte klu x jmpe gk kte sewa bas serang pjbat yayasn . ye2 ja . dspite of all that the cremony safely end . heh . way home i tell my mum about all the incdents . she rsponds 'mjor la umi x pg kn . klu x msti boring' . as i keep telling the story she keeps on repeatng the same words . heh . i got ur point . u dnt hve to rpeat it .

one psitive thng is that i hve the chnce to meet my long-time-no-see friends . heh .
nbila amira zwani nadhirah ayeh and
paan . even if dyeorg da lupe pn i still cnsder them as my friend . lntak dyeorg la nk igt ke x asalkn i do rmember . heh .

urrm . school is doing well . i get the clear vision in almost evry sbject except for physics . seems so blur . and frankly i hate ths . i hate to study wthout knowing what i'm studying about . its jst the same as not studying at all . hurmm . i thnk i hve to read the book again and again until its crystal clear . haha . we'll see . mcm la ak ne rjen sgt . ganbatte kdasai .

ooh and my best wishes to my friend . cpat smbuh and bia sme2 pning blajo addmath .

salam .

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