Wednesday, March 16, 2011

jst sweet huh

salam .
uuh schools about to open and books nt even touchd yet . ades . bm ooh bm . ths bm thngy is entngled in my head . please dnt poke me around lg . psi pn sme . my txt book is at school . how come i frgot to brng it home . runsing2 .

and my habit is coming back . wth . i hate it when im about to be crazing over movies or drmas again . the prblem is they're online . so i hve to wait like millions hour to wtch them . it keeps buffering and stuck and eventually.... crashed ! mozilla strikes it again . and the crazy waitng was up to nothng . hmpeh . and ouh last nght i wtchd ths horror movie . keke . in the mddle of nght . at about 12 or smthng . cucko isnt it . i actually wrapped myself in blnket that even sweat trickld down , i act as if nothng hppen . hoho . its a miracle tht the movie went so smoothly tht it hrdly buffer . lps abis cte bkk page laen kn . sddnly the youtube page popped blik and smoothly runs the movie . part org kne bnuh plk tuh . time org tgh jerit mcm hntu . huh . gile scary . i still wonder about tht . cmne la boleh blik smle kt cte tu . and the fact tht i actually try to avoid turning the lghts off bfore going to bed is jst .. i dnt know . never did i 've done tht bfore . heh . last2 ttup jgk sbb x leh tdur . lmpu terang sgt . nk bkk table lamp yg wrne merh lg la tkut sbb jd lg seram . heh . and i sleep in tht thick blnket wrapped all around me . hmpeh . cmne la sbb cte tu i actually end up like tht . its beyond my imgnation .

ooh about the earthquake in japan . tht hs been a cynosure and talk of people . ermm agaknye Allah nk tnjuk kuasa-Nya . even neg maju mcm japan tu pn x boleh buat ap2 ble jd mcm tu . klu mnde ne jd kat mlaysia gne la erk . jst thnkng about it mkes my hair stand straight . moga Allah pelihara neg ne dan sluruh umat islam dr sgale bncana . amin .

p/s : kps rkan sklasku yg prgi mngerjakn umrah , smga korang slmat pegi dan blik . slmat mnjlnkan ibadah .

Thursday, March 10, 2011


hye2 . salam .

tov result . alhamdulillah its jst fine . ba is knd of expcted so i'll jst deal wth it . fuhh nseb baek dpt b . its slghtly at the edge . nt really slghtly actually bcuse its 59 so sbnrnye already at a slump . haha . other peers did very well indeed :)


and about debate . gratefully said tht smkatj strike it again (bahas) . haha . happy2 but its sort of unthninkable (?) . so unexpcted . the fnal leg against sm tknik kt . they're damn good so when its time the speaker ws about to announce the wnner i was like , let us down frst . its embarrassng . but then madam speaker said tht 'the winner is the from the opposition team and the best speaker is tg mrdhiah' . im dumbfounded . am i in a will o' the wisp dream . theres no way tht it could get ths good . heh . seriously im so not believng it . even now .

semi final against belara . we're the opposition tht oppose motion of internet is the cause of moral dcline in todays youth . salma as the 1st speaker me as 2nd and qilah is 3rd . rgrdng ths motion , we're knd of cnfdent bcause we're well-prepared . so the 3 of us ermm how should i say ths , mke it through la . knd of scared at frst but hearng the 1st speaker is jst as par as us mke me loosen up abit . bsides we hd enough dscussion the nght bfore . so thniah kpd salma n aqilah yg mmbwa skolh tj kpd kmnangn d semi fnal .

and the final . jeng3 vs teknik . i wtchd them the day bfore and i was like 'they're fluent and talk fast tht i cant ctch up' . ths is it . klu skolh tj jmpe skool ne cmne la erk . last2 jmpe jgk . farhah as the 1st speaker fahim 2nd and im 3rd . kteorg cbut undi and we got opposition once again . the prblem is , its a dfferent motion . history is cmpulsory to produce patriotic citizens . i've no idea about ths motion and knd of pressured . kteorg kne kuarantin for an hour . i ws cmpletely dizzy and emotionless . heh . maaf kpd kwn2 yg bckap dan sy x blas blik . im so sleepy and actually sleep mse org tgh dscuss . mmg tekad nk redah je . bsides wht else can the 3rd debater buat . they need to do the rebuttal tht can only be done when the issues hd been raisd by the gvrnmnt . so i thought tht i jst need to clear my mind and sort off sme thngs . but my mind keep rebelling saying tht 2nd motion jst now menang bcause we hve a vry strong caseline and ths motion , i've no idea about it . ble fkir2 blik yg 3rd motion tu pn team tj ad strong caseline and issue jgk but im jst too occupied . i guess . time lwan plk . adess . the govrnmnt team fuhh mntap r bi . fluent bagai nk rak . esp the 2nd speaker . 3rd speaker is nt malay so its nt really shocking . time sy plk hncurr . rse mcm x tau bnde je jwb . i cant really hear wht the 2nd speaker ask jst now ...... i thnk tht the other sbject tht can help other than hstry (bru prasan sbnornye ak dgr soaln dye) ..... err if ths is the rght question .. is ... err civic and mayb socialising wth other people .... as we're multiracial.....err country . hncurr . if the bgnning pn cmne what more can be said . after tht statemnt im knd of lose cnfdence so ckp pn mrapu je . after done wth my speech i was like mlu nye nk jmpe tce lps ne . ckp gagap2 . points x dk . adess . and thts why rse mcm nk trun pntas je mse nk umum kptusan . last2 the opposition team is the wnner ! i really2 thought tht myb the emcee hd the same envelope as the semi fnal round . my jaw dropped and im stunned . so UNSANGKANABLE . farhah ws jst as clueless and fahim was like its the judges who said so . to farhah and fahim yg btngkuslumus mncri mklumat dan akhrnya brjya . thniah la sme .

i hd a little chat wth my mom .
ummi : org melayu mmg fobia ble dgr psl india ngn cina .
me : dh dyeorg ckp english kt umah . msti la fluent .
ummi : x smstinye . smpai skolh kmplks gng badak pn kte kt cg ye nseb baek kaloh ngn bkit tnggal . klu x kne lwn sm tknik . ad ke smpai gtu .
me : dh nk wk gne .....(mmg ye pndai pn bi)

to team bhas tht will be cmpeting again ths april , the vry best of luck ! as for team debate korng mmg the best la . heh .

Friday, March 4, 2011


yay ! red team wins . huhu . semut smurai kn . its worth it to come late at nght to school nk hias the tent . alas 2nd place . even went home at about 12 . mngntuk thap ap nth . sme yg ssah pyah buat untk rmh merah . korng mmg best la . syuk pkah ngn che wan yg jg sme2 dtg mlm tu . and few boarders . overall rmh merah frst place . pebarisan frst . tent scnd .

debate! thnkng about tht makes me cringe . erk . seriously bhas bm pn rject whts more can be said if its in english . heh . whtver it is, jst going to gve it a try . gud luck salma qilah farhah and zhirul :)

hrmm tday is fmily day for the staff of hsnz . i thnk la . hehe . hve lunch at riyaz .

my sis is blabbering bcause i keep tlkng like 'rilek la bro' . she said tht im too influencd by supa strikas . heh . she's been jelous snce its not her fvourite show but then all my sblngs like supa strikas. haha . but i wnt to chnge it too . tht sounds rude isnt it .