Saturday, January 14, 2012

missing puzzles

theme of the day ,'thinking back' . hehe . as i've been cnstantly off , i had no chance of story-mory-ing about my cats . my used to be cats . names are titambu whch the idea came from its color which are putih hitam kelabu and the other one is kokotam whch obviously its color is koko and hitam . so much for creativity eh? they both have cute bushy tails whch made my mom very thrilled to have them after death of several cats . huhu . sriously , we thought tht we're never going to have a pet after that .

titambu and kokotam both came from pk ck saiko tht lives next door . the scond day home , my sster whom extremely allergic to cats kickd titambu and rght then , nowhere to be seen . kokotam stayd but once , its cage borrowd by my aunt and i guess he thought tht we forgt about him . haha . lost and not found yet . sedih2 . both are still nowhere to be found . huu .

more pctures of baby hasif . hehe . elia , these are for u :)