Thursday, August 26, 2010

long long way ago , sabah

hye2 . its been awhile snce my last post . even tht i know its not tht ths thng is read but i like to ermm post smthng ?

3 4 5 and 6 august . i went to sabah . school trip or to be precise ko'op trip la . along wth other 7 kids . haha . nani dibah qilah ftriyyah syuk kimah tkah . im actually ina deep dlemma whether going to sabah or the tournment . im so freakng crave for the cmptition . i've missed it like thousnd times bfore . urrggh . so frstrating . last year i've some knd of crmony at umt for pmr cndidtes and i missed tht one . and jst months bfore i cnt bcause of my uncle's wdding . naseb la . nnti lame2 bkarat mmg hncur la . dh la skng pn cm x bpe nk oke dh . ish2 .

i've nthing to share about the exprience going there bcause hnestly , i dnt know where am i going or what i do over there . jst an amazng time wth friends and tcers .

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