Friday, March 4, 2011


yay ! red team wins . huhu . semut smurai kn . its worth it to come late at nght to school nk hias the tent . alas 2nd place . even went home at about 12 . mngntuk thap ap nth . sme yg ssah pyah buat untk rmh merah . korng mmg best la . syuk pkah ngn che wan yg jg sme2 dtg mlm tu . and few boarders . overall rmh merah frst place . pebarisan frst . tent scnd .

debate! thnkng about tht makes me cringe . erk . seriously bhas bm pn rject whts more can be said if its in english . heh . whtver it is, jst going to gve it a try . gud luck salma qilah farhah and zhirul :)

hrmm tday is fmily day for the staff of hsnz . i thnk la . hehe . hve lunch at riyaz .

my sis is blabbering bcause i keep tlkng like 'rilek la bro' . she said tht im too influencd by supa strikas . heh . she's been jelous snce its not her fvourite show but then all my sblngs like supa strikas. haha . but i wnt to chnge it too . tht sounds rude isnt it .

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