Tuesday, February 16, 2010

trip to kedah

hye2 . journey to kedah .

satrday 13 feb .
the trip from trg to there took about a day . g rmai2 x rse bsan sgt . on the way there we stoppd bfore msk hghway . mkn dlu bcause we brought along food . heh . mkn celah bkit .

msk hghway kuar hghway tup2 smpai . waitng for fmily aunt tkah dtg dkat tol nk msk alor setar . tnggu pnye tnggu smpai sdh . as we went there like about 8 cars , mine was lost . mkn buah lngsat . the other 7 da smpai hmestay kteorg je blm . heh .

snday 14 feb.

i dnt go anywhere kat sne . bfore we went to aunt tkah's house utk tnang my mum and my aunt went to pkan labu . i ddnt go . mlas . heh . or to be precise not invited? g umh aut tkah's then blik . then went to ummi's cousin's place at err lpe sdh . went bck late .

mnday 15 feb.
next day went to pdang besar perlis . ocean of people should i say? idk . then went home to trg .
ths whole thng really wore me out but its fun as we were there wth the whole other fmily .

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