Monday, June 14, 2010

kedah and bkt merah

yg ptndingn pengguna tu . hehe . x cntek mne .

hye2 . my fmly and i went to kedah again strting friday . utk akd nikah plk and the wedding .

then on snday we went to bkt merah . been there for 3 days 1 nght . smpai sne snday evening . cme mndi2 kt pool aprtment je . the nxt day went to x tau kt mne . heh . frst went to org utan island then ecopark . i love the bear cat and squirrel mnkey there . so cute . then mndi2 kat waterpark . then back at about 7pm . been there snce mrning . heh . the nxt day went home straight away after mndi2 kt pool apartment . freezing cold . mcm mne la adek2 ak bleh msk . i caught flu and cough alot . but the sore throat startd snce the frst day holiday .

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