Thursday, August 25, 2011

i'm breathing . hmmfuuu

assalamualaikum .
trial ended ystrday and tday , thrsday is the lst day school bfore eid . i went to school and sspicious aroused .
ummi : wk npe g skolh hri ne
me : sje ( mne ad along pnh tnggal pn skolh *dlm hati la kn )
ummi : nk g cari ketas pkse r ne . kejor2 cg , bodek2 cg ok ?
me : haha . bole laa jgk

hari ne dpt ketas ba and alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah sgt , i got a . pheww . really , my ventilation rate was zero after i sat for arabic test . its like i suffocate my own lungs . heh . mmg gile la bak kate org . yeah i know , msti rmai mnyamph dgr ak asyk ckp yg ak takut ngn ktas ba last2 dpt a . ak tau la sbb klu ak pn kekdang ad gk mnympah sket2 but wht can i say , bile fkir2 blik , ak pn mcm tu gk . heh .tp kn , dh klu mmg ak rase exam ba pyoh , x kn ak nk kate senang kot kn . ke gane ? anyhow , sorry if my attitude annoys the people tht i love around me .

lega ble tau mrkh bhsa arab x steruk yg dsangka but another fear butt in . hmpeh . bi ngn pqs . pqs oh pqs . kelu doe . ku sngka pnas hngga ke ptang rupe2 nye hujan di tghari . hoho . x tau mnde gune prbhsa nth ap2 . spot sute habuk pn x dk hk betul . adlah hama debu sket2 hk msk .
hmmph , x tau la .

up until now , i know marks for arabic , admath , mthmod , and psi . gratefully said , i got pure a for all of them . of course i do hope tht i can get a+ but still , mine are not bad ( alat pnyedap jiwe raga ) . its jst that when i make comparison wth few of other classmates , i do feel ermm bad . hihi . x de la jeles jahat2 , jeles sikit2 tu ad la . hoho . kt faiz la cntoh . contohnye la kn . ba , mt , mm , psi , sume pn a+ . wht can be said . you reap what you sow . thniah la . nk ckp dpn2 malu . ckp dlm selimut dh la . haha . qilah pn , syuk pn , tkah pn , fzah pn , kmah pn , sme mrid kls ikhlas la senang , thniah la . klu ckp gune mulut , brbelit2 lidah nk kabo so , kt sini jela bleh kabo . kn senang . hehe . bior org x bace pn . heh .

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