Friday, August 5, 2011


first and foremost , slamat brpuasa buat sume umat islam kt dunia ne .
smoga tahun ne lbeh baek dr thun2 sebelumnya . amin .
ohho sape tgk jejak rasul ? rsenye ak sorang kot . almaklumlah , org sebuk stady buku, ak sebuk stady tv . haha . org kate tv ne peti neraka , betul ke ? knpa ak rse mcm ....... x tau la .
tahun ne tema dye , legasi nabi muhammad s.a.w di eropah timur . honestly , ble tgk cte ne , i feel extremely proud dgn muslim kt sane . extremely kuase 5 . bile bndingkn dgn umat islam kt mlaysia , jauh beza kot . i feel like there's someone staggering my heart when i see how hard they fought for the unending legacy of islam . time tu rse mcm mmg islam agama terbaek dan plg hebat la . ble tgk kt mlaysia , islam is still the very best but the people are jst ermm how can i put ths , not as good as they should be . i wont say tht im a good muslim and in fact , i might be the worst but im trying my very best and i know that Allah is always by my side .so i hope all of you do too . smtimes when i see how they push their dawaa (dkwah) off the limit , kind of thnking hard , seeing what hve i done for islam . i feel like nothing . smtimes i feel like i suck both , dunia and akhirat . tapi , dgn sekupit iman yg ad dlam jiwa ne , sy rase sy akn terus kuat dgn islam and i believe , strongly believe that ths Allah is the only place that i can turn to and nur of islam will protect me . amin .

and trial is coming soon . now do u see how the post come to be . haha . i thnk my previous post is about how i want to study but in the end , skrang pn mlas lg . warrgghh tlong . exam 2 3 hari je lg but i've done nothing . nothing . omagod . hancur2 . tlongla tg mardhiah tg nazmi . blajola . blajo2 . jgn la tido . doh2 la tgk tv nu . ades .
hereby , i would like to wish all my friends in tok jiring and all of them out there , best of luck and i hope all of you are not as freaking lazy as i am . and i hope i am not as lazy as i am now . may all of us get what we hope for . amin .

p/s : hppy brthday fatinnurasyikin . 04082011 . may Allah bless you and your fmly my dear friend . i love you and the whole sahabat . keke.


Anonymous said...

blueekkkk.......... tv konon!! padahal study x ingt mak cik ni.. sy pon lyn tv.. nk layan sejarah ..oh tidak sekali!!.. oh tidak :)

eclipsesweet said...

madi... fizah layan gop tv.. bukan awak sorg eh.. n i am also lazy as i am now... hahaha.. nway, best ar jejak rasul or... bila tgk, ase cam nak gi rusia ar... cam hebat je kat nung.. hihihi..

kimah... eleh... padahal awak yg study kuat skali er.. hikhihkihk.. ^_^

Candy oriell said...

ceh sek2 ni ckp~ tgk2 result ekgi meletupp!

btw, thanx madi for the wish :) love u too. three four five forever. :DD

tg mardhiah said...

cik fizah and kimah , x yh la kelentong . hari2 stady kot . hehe . fatin , i love u six .